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Re: [GNU-COBOL] math library questions

Matthew Fischer wrote :>

> 	This is directed to Chad, but the rest of you may have some input.

> 	In the math library:

> --Do we need to be able to init using a u.long, long, or double???

No, since we want to be able to represent the total range of a COBOL nubmer.
A string would be fine.

> --Do we need the automatic file I/O, or is conversion to a string enough.

> 	I can easily make it so that the number in the CobolMath struct is
> 	directed into a file, since the MP library does this already.  It is

Just return a string of the value, then I will do with it as I see fit. =)


Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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