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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Problem with Sync Conduit

On Thursday 17 June 2004 12:23, Marco van Beek wrote:
> I have "use ColdSync::SPC" at the start of the program (which is
> attached) and at the moment, all the program does at the moment is do
> the logic of finding records that have changed.

Nothing obvious jumps out at me. What happens when you do something like:

  foreach my $PDA_record ( ColdSync::SPC::dlp_ReadNextModifiedRec($pdb) )

You might also want to try 'use warnings;' as well as strict.

> "dlp_SetSysDateTime" seems to crash the Palm, (which might be badly
> configured data), but doesn't cause an error message like below.

I use (and this was actually snarfed from somewhere else):

  @_ = localtime(time);
  $_[5] += 1900;  # year correction
  ++$_[4];        # month 0..11 -> 1..12
  &dlp_SetSysDateTime(reverse @_[0..5]) && die "501 Cannot SetSysDateTime";

> There are two copies of ColdSync::SPC on the hard drive, but both are
> identical (one is where the snapshot zip file was uncompressed).

The ReadNext* stuff was only added a year or so ago and, IIRC, is only found 
in CVS and the pre4 snapshot.  So I could see a really old version floating 
around. What do you get from:

  find /usr/lib -name 'SPC.pm' -exec sum {} \;

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