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Re: [coldsync-hackers] VPN Sync / Secure Sync

When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> On Wed, 28 Apr 2004, Norberto Goussies wrote:
> > Hello, does anybody know how to make a secure syncro over Internet? with a
> > VPN? SSL?
> 	I don't know of anyone who's tried. Congratulations! You're
> blazing new territory!
> 	I suspect that your best bet is to use a VPN; there's nothing in
> the ColdSync source to use SSL.

	SSH tunnels, maybe?

justin ferguson                  "Nothin' worth havin' comes without some kind
jferg at thedotin dot net         of fight / Gotta kick at the darkness 'til 
jferg at lusars dot net           it bleeds daylight..."  
http://www.thedotin.net/                         - Bruce Cockburn
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