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[coldsync-hackers] zire71-album and archive-sync conduits

Here's a couple more conduits...

I've been running archive-sync for, oh, several months now on '*/DATA' and 
it hasn't given me any problems. It basically keeps a copy of all deleted 
records in a .PDB format database in the .palm/archive directory. This is 
useful if you want to examine the archive with existing .PDB-based tools. 
It's also useful if you want to enforce a retention policy since it can 
ignore the "do you want to archive" flag and store _all_ deleted records.

I wrote zire71-album yesterday, so it's probably got some issues to work 
out. It extends zire71-photo into something a little more elegant and way 
more complicated.

As with most of my conduits, you have to run them against the latest CVS 
version of coldsync and perl-palm. zire71-album, for example, requires a 
fix to ColdSync::SPC than Alessandro comitted yesterday.


Attachment: archive-sync
Description: Perl program

Attachment: zire71-album
Description: Perl program