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[coldsync-hackers] Palm::DiabetesPilot and conduit

This might be a little specialized for this group, but if it helps just one 
(more) person I'll be happy...

Attached is a read-only Palm::PDB helper for DiabetesPilot 
(http://diabetespilot.com/) databases (the data log, not the food database) 
and a ColdSync dump conduit I hacked up so my wife could e-mail Way Too 
Much Information reports to someone.

It's been working fine for a couple months now and, near as I can figure, 
I've nailed down all the details in the DiabetesPilot database that are 
available in the program's UI. I'm not trilled about not having the glucose 
units automatically extracted, but that's about all.

But... This is a reverse engineered database schema. That means it may not 
work in all instances, it may be broken by different versions (I've only 
tested with 3.0), and, heck, it might just kill you if you trust it too 

Comments, questions, improvements welcome, but for reasons mentioned in the 
previous paragraph, the read-only nature of the perl module is not 


Attachment: diabetes-report
Description: Perl program

Attachment: Palm-DiabetesPilot-1.0.tar.gz
Description: application/tgz