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[coldsync-hackers] usb syncronisation troubles


i need do sync several palmos devices via usb with one linux box.
i use coldsync and lastest 2.4 kernel

coldsync can use two ways - use usbserial support in kernel or use
libusb library.

and i have some troubles ;)
largest is - coldsync can't get serial number from palmos5 devices.
but i can see tungsten t serial number in lsusb output. it's any other
way to get it???
second - i can't do 2 or more syncs at one time

i see coldsync and visor.c code and can rewrite it, but what way (use
libusb or use visor kernel module) is best?

1. using kernel visor module
 - today two sync at one time don't work properly

IMHO it's not very hard to fix it
 - i don't know how get serial number using only palmos hotsync
 protocol (may be i stupid?)
 - ttyUSBxx enumeration is not very good. every new serial device get
 lowest free number, most palmos devices use two numbers (some use
 first for hotsync, some second).
 it's impossible say is this device file used by palm hotsync or other
 palm function or by other (non-palmos) device.

i think it's possible create file in /proc filesystem with information
about connected serial devices. for palmos devices this information
can include palm serial number and function of every ttyUSBx device.

but for this solution need do linux-specific changes in coldsync (and
others) programs. other trouble - it's big code change and may be not
included (or included after large time) to standart linux kernel.
if i want do kernel update i need merge this changes.

2. use libusb
 - today libusb code in coldsync is old. i try it with tungsten t - it
 don't work. after quick and dirty hack i can do hostsync, but it work
 not very stable. it's more work to do here.
 - theoretically kernel module must be faster (libusb is blocking)
 - libusb can't work if visor module is loaded (and hotplug try load
 it every time palmos device is connected). it's problem not for me,
 but for other users.
 - visor kernel module always is updated for support lastest devices,
 work stable.

may be exist other solution? how about hotplug subsystem - can it
collect information about device and call coldsync with right options?

ps: sorry, my english is very bad. i try learn it but have no free
time. i can read without problem, but write or speak is too hard for
me ;(((

pps: i can't use cvs.coldsync.org:
cvs [update aborted]: connect to cvs.coldsync.org( failed: Connection refused

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