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[coldsync-hackers] Mac OS X Panther

Hi Folks,

The following is not really a real Coldsync problem but maybe it's usefull to tell you guys about it.

I've been writing a coldsync-conduit in C and I'll probably still will write a clean template to write conduits in C.
(BTW many thanks to Christophe Beauregard for his experimenting around the 18th of october. That really helped me on the way)

I'm using a serial-cradle that is connected to the USB port of my mac via a serial-USB-adapter called Keyspan.
My mac uses Mac OS X - Jaguar and it all seems to work just fine. But here it comes.

I tried to install coldsync (and my conduit) on an other mac (Mac OS X Panther) and the install worked out just fine.
That mac is connected to a USB-cradle (so there's no adapter there) but that (or the Panther version of OS X) seems to be the problem.

Coldsync seems to work fine but I can't find the correct device to make coldsync listen to. On that other mac that was no problem.
I just unplugged my USB-connector, typed "ls /dev", then I replugged the connector and typed "ls /dev" again to check what device popped up.
In my case that was cu.USA191P1.1. But on the Panther-mac there doesn't seem to be a device.

The funny thing is that Palmdesktop is able to sync... I'm puzzled now. What does Palmdesktop to?
Normally a program like that should be listening on a certain device until someone presses the hotsync button.
But where does it listen to if there is no device there? I'll try to find out what's going on but if anyone has some sugestions it would be great.

Kevin Velghe

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