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[coldsync-hackers] waiting for wakeup packet forever

Hi folks,

I'm trying to have a Palm Tungsten E working with my FreeBSD 4.9
PRERELEASE box. coldsync 2.2.5_1 hangs, waiting for the wakeup packet,
and terminates.

Here are the symptoms:
$ coldsync -dSLP:9 -dCMP:9 -d PADP:9 -d DLP:9 -dDLPC:9 -dSYNC:9
-dPARSE:9 -dIO:9 -dMISCNET:9

Device information: /dev/ugen0 vendor 0830 (Palm, Inc.) product 0060
(Palm Handheld) rev 1.00 addr 2
ConnectionInfo: entry 0 function Generic on port 1
ConnectionInfo: entry 1 function Hotsync on port 2
first setup 0x1 returns 2 bytes:  0x01 0x00
Hotsync endpoint name: "/dev/ugen0.2"
===== Waiting for wakeup packet
usb read: Input/output error
slp_read: read: Input/output error
cmp_read: padp_read() returned -1
Erreur dans cmp_read: (1) Erreur dans un appel de système ou une
fonction dans une bibliothèque.
Erreur: Impossible de se connecter au Palm.
Calling io_drain()
Freeing sync_config 0x80780a0
ColdSync terminating normally

Here's my coldsync configuration file:
pda "Palm Tungsten E" {
        directory: /home/romain/palm;
        username: "berrendo";
        userid: 1005;
        snum: "00VHV8R3H03N-B";
listen usb {
        device: /dev/ugen0;

I also tried to add a "protocol: full;" statement as specified in the
manual page, but it didn't help.

Any hint would be greatly appreciated.


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