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Re: [coldsync-hackers] speed

On Friday 17 October 2003 19:07, Christophe Beauregard wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but instead of implementing another SPC stack,
couldn't he just link his C program to libpconn and use
spc_client/dlp_cmd directly? That _appears_ to be what it's for, but I'm
not sure how far the implementation goes towards what is needed.

Okay, that's cool. It actually works.

I've been playing around with that example and I'm extremely happy now. :-)
This is almost the same stuff as I used to implement when I was using pilot-link.
Now I can almost copy-paste my old programs to make them coldsync compatible.
This is great! I'll try to write a clean conduit that may be used as a starting point to write more of these in C.
I'm not quite sure if my skills are anywere near the avarage of your group but I'll try to keep stuff clean and errorfree.

Thanks a lot,
Kevin Velghe

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