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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Coldsync fails if hostname isn't in DNS

On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 07:47:22PM -0700, Jack Twilley wrote:
> I'm trying the FreeBSD UVISORIBUFSIZE fix and I noticed something
> interesting.
> If my hostname doesn't resolve in DNS, I get the following error
> message when running coldsync:
> Error: Can't look up my address.
> gethostbyname: Unknown error: 0
> Error: Can't get host ID.

	Is the machine's hostname in /etc/hosts? Does /etc/host.conf
contain a "hosts" line? As a reality check, can you
	ping `hostname`
	By default, ColdSync uses the machine's IPv4 address, seen as
a 32-bit number, as its host ID (so that it can tell whether this was
the last host the Palm synced with). That's why coldsync dies if it
can't look up the host IP.
	Later versions allow you to set the host ID in the config
file. This was added two days after the version you're using came out.

Andrew Arensburger                      This message *does* represent the
arensb@ooblick.com                      views of ooblick.com
	       What the hell... it worked on Star Trek!
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