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Re: [coldsync-hackers] m105

--- Alessandro Zummo wrote:

>  Copy the HotSync from another palm, rename it and
> transfer to the m105. Should work.

I thought of that.  I tried it out on POSE before
messing with my PDA.  It puts up a dialog saying:

"The application cannot be launched because it is
 missing localization information."

BTW, I transfered HotSync_enUS.prc at the same time
and did a reset on POSE before launching.

At one point, I had SLIP and PPP and Network and other
prcs and their enUS files transfered into POSE.  But
I always got the exact same message.

If someone could point me in the right direction
there, that be much better than trying to fudge any

Thx for all y'alls suggestions,

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