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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Re: /usr/local/etc/coldsync/coldsync/?

On Thu, 26 Dec 2002, Jack Twilley wrote:
> Line 769 of configure.in:

	Thanks. Good catch.

> I'd suggest changing configure.in to not have coldsync at the end of
> it for this version.

	Actually, IMHO it would make more sense to keep the "/coldsync" at
the end in configure.in, and remove the "/coldsync" everywhere else
(src/coldsync.h and src/palment.h).
	The idea is that all of ColdSync's ancillary files should be in
the same directory. If it's set once and for all in the configure script,
then the user can just set that: if you want stuff to go in /etc/coldsync,
you can run 'configure --sysconfdir=/etc/coldsync' instead of 'configure
--sysconfdir=/etc'; if you want it in /opt/coldsync/etc/coldsync, you can
just specify that. That is, files go wherever you say they should go, and
the user doesn't have to second-guess the installer.
	But I'll leave the final decision to Alessandro.

> There's a lot of src/palment.h that refers to
> /etc/palms,

	I believe those are all comments, unless I've missed something.

Andrew Arensburger                      Actually, these _do_ represent the
arensb@ooblick.com                      opinions of ooblick.com!
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