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RE: [coldsync-hackers] ExpenseDB format

I haven't played with ExpenseDB at all
show me an example of the data you need changed and what format you need it in - I may be able to offer advice (especially on the date formats)
I assume you're using Perl?
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-coldsync-hackers@lusars.net [mailto:owner-coldsync-hackers@lusars.net]On Behalf Of Ferrell, Jason
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 9:52 AM
To: coldsync-hackers@lusars.net
Subject: [coldsync-hackers] ExpenseDB format

Has anyone written an Expense conduit in perl or have any idea how to convert the field types? 
I used unpack to get the vendor, city, amount, and similar text fields, but I don't understand how to convert the date and a couple of others to a usable format.