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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Conduit newbie question

On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 05:19:24PM -0500, Jeff Hoover wrote:
> I was hoping I could get some help again from this wonderful list.  Here is 
> my objective:  I want several users to be able to Sync from a Windoze 
> machine to a linux server running coldsync.  The only conduit I wish to run 
> will sync the Palm Datebook with MySQL.
> Do I need to have an actual datebook.pdb on the machine I am syncing to 
> (one for each user) or can the Palm sync directly with MySQL?
> If I can bypass the .pdb, is there a way to pass the userid that is syncing 
> to the conduit?

	You can bypass the .pdb file altogether, if you're willing to
do all of the work yourself. You'll want to set up
~coldsync/.coldsyncrc with something like:

	conduit sync {
		type: XXXX/YYYY;
		path: /usr/local/libexec/datebook-mysql;

	conduit sync {
		type: */*;
		# Do nothing

The 'datebook-mysql' conduit will then need to issue a DLP
ReadUserInfo request via SPC (not yet implemented in the ColdSync::SPC
Perl module; sorry). This will tell you the user name and userid on
the Palm.
	Once that's done, you'll still be facing the nontrivial task
of actually performing the sync, which you'll also need to do
manually. You may want to look at src/GenericConduit.cc to see how the
generic conduit does it.

Andrew Arensburger                      This message *does* represent the
arensb@ooblick.com                      views of ooblick.com
		      Hey! It compiles! Ship it!
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