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RE: [coldsync-hackers] modem sync-multiple palms

> > I need multiple Palms (a full company's) to be able to dial in to a
> modem, and
> > sync via the ColdSync daemon process [-md].
> >
> 	In daemon mode, if you specify the device as "-", ColdSync will
> use stdin as the sync device. Thus, you should be able to set up your
> favorite daemon to answer the phone, then run
> 		coldsync -t serial -md -

Cool.  Does this mean that it should work directly over stdin?
I am running the following as root from mgetty:
"/usr/local/bin/coldsync -vvvvvvvvvv -l /usr/local/etc/test.log -t serial -md -"

The palm connects, and mgetty runs coldsync [as above], and the ColdSync log
file gets:
Log started on Thu Nov 15 15:28:34 2001

And that's it.  It just hangs around for a few minutes, and then coldsync stops,
and mgetty re-spawns.
Do I need to run pppd/AutoPPP or something to get the palm's output and sync
stuff through to ColdSync, or is it an mgetty configuration problem?

Again, I apologize if I should know this, and I am currently joining the mgetty
list(s) to further that route if need be.

It's just so close.

Thanks again.

 * John Joseph Roets
 * jjr@sunflower.com
 * ph:785.865.1619

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