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[coldsync-hackers] Rudimentary Palm::ThinkDB module

Howdy folks,

I have begun writing a Palm::ThinkDB module to parse and manipulate
ThinkDB databases (a.k.a. "TinyBytes").

Is anybody interested in something like this?  I'd like to get some
feedback as well as a bit of help.  For example, I can't seem to figure
out the format of Palm floats.

If you're interested, you can download the code at:


It is partially functional.  I've already written a coldsync conduit to
sync between a PostgreSQL database and a ThinkDB TinyByte.  It's very
handy, and quite cool.

# Erik Arneson <erik@aarg.net>    AARG Net <http://www.aarg.net/> #
# GPG Key ID: 1024D/43AD6AB8           <http://erik.arneson.org/> #
# "Resistance to tyrants is obediance to God!" - Thomas Jefferson #

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