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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Newbie question

Shane Owenby wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 09:04:36AM -0400, Matt Cashner wrote:
> > On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Vladimir Faizoulaev wrote:
> > > 2. Or I must write sophisticated Perl program with use P5-Palm ?
> >
> > sophisticated? have you seen the perl we've been coding? :)
> > seriously tho, that depends on the answer to question 1.
> I would love to see the perl script repository that you guys
> may have built...or are the perl scripts scattered all around
> the web?
> If it is one central place then could you please forward along
> to me that address.  I poked around
> http://www.ooblick.com/software/coldsync/
> and only saw a few small short examples.

My recomendation would be to put them on CPAN. CPAN has a scripts area
for this sort of thing. I think that there is already a Palm section,
and, if there isn't, there should be. Kurt Starsinic, who manages that
repository, is always willing to have a new section created, if there is
something to put in it.

Rich Bowen <rbowen@rcbowen.com>
Come see me at Apachecon! -- http://www.apachecon.com/

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